An Artist

Jessica. My friend. A violin player. An artist. In my opinion, she is good at it. She plays her instrument in cafes, bars in events, and some places. She earns enough fountain her good lifestyle. But this is the era of reality shows. She is trying hard to get into it. Any of the show to showcase her skills. Her motivation shifted from music to fame. Whenever we meet I find her cursing different judges from reality shows because She has accepted that only winning of some shows prove her an artist.

Artist one who delivers the art. The art means beyond dreams! Beyond someone's thinking. Artist is one who thinks beyond the thinking. Everybody is an artist. A son for the father, A student for the teacher, a wife for in-laws, a driver of a car, a builder of the infrastructure, anybody who deliver beyond expectation.

A singer is famous in one town may fail in another town. Because of the expectations which vary person to person. A judge of one reality show also has own perception. That judge will judge you on his benchmarking. Because an art itself is a perceptive phenomenon.

First comers advantage. No doubt all great people have skills. But they are not great because of only skills, they are great because of the courage. They thought beyond others and set the benchmark.
you are being compared with the benchmark. This benchmark is now an expectation of people. The artist is one who thinks beyond this expectations, shows dream ahead. Provoke to think of further existence. Shows them dreams beyond the dreams.

Because the concept is more important than content. An artist tries to create a concept beyond thinking and delivers it at least certain of own thought.

Who will tell her??
